FAMILY   Noctuidae
SUBFAMILY   Amphipyrinae
TRIBE   Apameini
COMMON NAME   White-Tailed Diver
NAME   Bellura gortynoides
HODGES   9523
DISPLAY #   1293
DESCRIPTION   The 2004 images were taken June 23rd. The moth was provided by Bob Patterson of Bowie, MD. It was identified by Dr. Don Lafontaine of Ontario, Canada. All specie captured to this point in time have besn darker and do not have the pink HW. Till further revisions this will be the tenative identification. Covell states the following: "the larva feed on cattails, pickelweed, and water-lilies. Eggs are laid on leaves above water surface. Larvae are leaf miners in first three instars, then become borers in leaf stems. Larvae swim to shore and overwinter in litter, then pupate in late spring." e r